Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How To Calculate The Recurring Interest On R.d.

August, thus

July was wsop and otherwise I had to do other things and have nothing gamble.

After tomorrow again 2 weeks into the holiday ride (bike ride), I wanted to write again what, after I've played poker last week very much.

I made it in the last 7 days to make 50k vpp:)

But still a long way and it will be hard sne as soon as possible or until Christmas ever created.

I'll probably when I'm back, everyone Days 10-12, but rather have to play at least 12 hours now and then on we have to free.

began the week of crappy, I had not played forever and did so at 400 nl started again .. good decision.

Not so good decision it was to begin immediately with a 24-tabling, because I wanted to be sne just as quickly as possible.

Was NEN thick down, even when I think that I can play break even Tabling 24, break-even point is dependent nciht enough.

If I play properly focused and table select can, I think I get a very good Winrate and reducing the variance so enormous.

When I reduced the table, and went back uphill.

I also thought I'd get all balancing considerations thrown overboard and think really in any situation, depending on the enemy which is the most + ev move.

I think I'll play this worlds better ... and if I'm in some situations spewy yet, I will learn.

If you are always anxious to play balanced to avoid being exploited, one will eventually break even hold the best players in the world haha.

one puts his rank so that it regardless of whether raising the other to fold now or call sometimes, ergo they can not make mistakes.

When the weaknesses of others not actively exploited (or tried), the others will already find weaknesses in you, no matter how balanced you are.

So more levelinggames gogo.

When I play against regs, etc. and I do not know in which direction, I will have balanced ranges, but once I find something exloit what I can, go 4 it.

However, one should not be too extreme in that direction, a reexploit to make it harder.
eg just not 100% of the Open button when there are tight blinds, but sometimes 72o fold.

repeats itself, I believe all that, but forget often again;)

Cliff Notes:

Table Selecter
superior on every hand that most + EV is
All know what one has accumulated over ranges, etc. for use at the best decision with the information available to make.

think if I can so pull through, I'm on the right track

disadvantage mögich few tables, SNE is so hard

VPP this Month: 53k
VPP this year: 710k
Pace: 608k:)

(by the way Gibts recently more vpp / hand-on stars)

What else:

My name was used by a scammer!
Shockingly, it has been well spent for someone in my Skype star Nick and a few days I pretended as if he were to sneak around people's confidence.

And then
has deceived the people.

who never trust the one does not really really good!
(he was online watching play in and has probably the cards passed to the opponent)

Grind Song of the Month: