Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Church Openig Remarks

The Storybook Rabbit

Sebastian has just asked me, what to do something ... Tzzzz! "Something like"? This is high-quality kitsch, a sweetened breakfast or embellished a drab wall or to put it in the words of Lorelai . "... The purpose of kitschy stuff is a happy . do you bring a laugh - a flat thus acts cheerful and colorful! (Season 4, Episode 10).
To the point: The Story Book Rabbit is the shop of Kelly, who lives in Sydney and has a lot of kitsch and power, and because of this (or any other reason) is certainly a very sad person. From discarded old kitschy Plates makes new cheesy dish with cute animal motifs. I think that at least one wall to venture into our home to this sweetheart decorated parts should be ...
makes the way the store on 05th by Kelly February again. Until then, check out her blog and gets to know the true art of kitsch ... (I had no idea!)


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